In Memory of Jerry Milan
It is with profound sadness that we share the passing of another member of our Clay Humane family - our board member and friend, Gerald “Jerry” Milan. As we look back on Jerry’s life, we are reminded of the powerful impact one person can have on a community. Through a lifetime spent in service – in the U.S. Navy, as a public servant with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, as an adjunct professor, and as a volunteer board member for Clay Humane – Jerry was an example of how to live humbly without need of reward or recognition. He was more than a board member, more than a volunteer, more than a retiree; he was a husband, a father, a friend, a mentor, an innovator, and a leader. Jerry was many other things, as well - an avid golfer, a proud member of the (Buffalo) Bills Mafia, a practical jokester, an animal lover, and a patriot. For Clay Humane, he was the backbone of our organization.
Jerry never just looked around and saw things that needed attention – he took action. He saw opportunity where many saw problems. With the dedication and enthusiasm of a dozen volunteers, Jerry raised money, recruited volunteers, chaired fundraisers, and led our organization for more than 16 years. Undoubtedly, Jerry’s legacy will be the lives he touched, the lives he saved, and the lives he changed during his time on Earth. His impact on Clay Humane and our community is evident today and will be far into the future. We are honored to count ourselves among the many who have benefited from having known Jerry Milan.
Visit Jerry's online memorial >>>
Stopping pet overpopulation begins with you. We offer low-cost sterilization services.
On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we offer immediate assistance for pet emergencies.
Advocacy, education, and awareness. Learn more about our animal welfare programs.
Ways you can help

We know the animals of Clay Humane - both two-legged and four - are hard to buy for so, this list has been specifically created with our high priority needs in mind. So what items do we need Download our wish list now →

When you shop Chewy, consider a gift for the animals at Clay Humane. See our Chewy wish list →

Become a member, attend one of our events, or hold a fundraising event. There are several ways that you can support the Clay Humane animal welfare programs. Learn how you can help →
Animal advocacy & humane education
The mission of Clay Humane is to provide and promote the humane treatment of animals through education, advocacy and service.
2023 spay & neuters
Patients received after hours urgent care
Total patients since 1991
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