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December 2, 2022

Help bring the holiday to animals in need

Jacob meowed his way into our lives during a late-night urgent care shift. An apparent run-in with a car left him with multiple abrasions, a gaping 4-inch wound on his back, and a meager chance of survival. Like so many others that come through our doors, Jacob was homeless and facing a brutal battle for his life. Jacob desperately needed someone to give him a chance - and Dr. Brianna Jackson did just that. Under Dr. Jackson’s watchful eye and skillful hand, Jacob survived that first night and proved to us that he was up for the fight. Many months and MANY bandage changes later, Jacob walked out of our clinic to begin his new life with a new family. In many other places, the story of Jacob would have a much different ending. With limited shelter funding and even more limited space, humane euthanasia is often the solution for critically injured homeless animals. Jacob is a hopeful reminder that we can have a world where all animals live humane and healthy lives.

The overwhelming task of improving the lives of others – both two and four-legged – is not the job of one person but many. Our communities will flourish through solid cooperative efforts and compassion for our fellow living beings. Clay Humane is proud to lead the way toward a community that shares a vision of better lives for our animals and, in turn, for those who love them. Albert Schweitzer once said, “Do something for somebody every day for which you don’t get paid.”  Mr. Schweitzer clearly understood the role of community in enriching the lives of those around us.

With your support, we envision a year of groundbreaking new work and our continued efforts’ continued growth. Every dollar you contribute to Clay Humane supports our animal welfare programs and the vital services they provide to our community. Every gift helps spay or neuter a cat, preventing the unwanted birth of hundreds of cats that contribute to overcrowded shelters and high euthanasia rates. Each donation makes emergency surgery and life-saving measures possible for abused, critically injured animals. Your donation helps equip our disaster response team to assist during fires, floods, and evacuations.

By supporting Clay Humane’s many programs, you are supporting animal welfare for animals like Jacob. Whether your donation provides a spay for a single feral cat or gives us the means to help another injured stray, it WILL make a difference.

Support our programs now by making a donation!

As you celebrate the animals that warm your heart and hearth this season, please remember Clay Humane in your charitable giving plans. Together, we can do so much BECAUSE PET OVERPOPULATION IS A PROBLEM WE CAN SOLVE TOGETHER.

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